Thursday 29 March 2007

Have to Share This Little Story

Its all pretty funny (well I thought it was anyway).

One of `My` Soldiers has had a pretty rough time of things so I thought I would send him a little Aussie Care Package. It contained some Aussie bits and pieces, amongst them a pair of thongs.

Naturally I listed the contents on the custom form and barely gave it a second thought.

I finally got to catch up with him last night after weeks of no contact. During the conversation I promised to write more. He told me that would be good as long as I didnt put the word `thongs` on anything. It took me a few seconds but when I clicked I burst out laughing. He told me his CO happened to read the customs form and made him open it in front of everyone. Lucky I had packed things into a bag so he could feel that it was the footwear, not the underwear I was refferring to!!

Im sure the rest of the unit found this just as amusing. After a few minutes of threats for what I could put on the customs form for the next package I promised to be more aware of our countries different uses for the same words.



Anonymous said...

Hehehe. Now everyone in his unit knows he has an Angel!

DebbieKinIL said...

Oh, yes the thong story! LOL-
What I learned from sending FRB (flat rate boxes) Never list any details. I only put snacks and home made classical CDs. Only if the PO presses for details, I say chips, pretzels, junk food. Latest laugh was when the PO asked the standard question "Any hazardous materials?" I said "Non- Toxic Girl Scout cookies."

Your post reminds me of the time at work when they were changing the dress code from business wear to business casual wear. On the memo listing unappropriate dress was thongs. The memo was quickly updated and thongs was replaced with flip flops shoes. But HR never lived that one down.

Sorry for the long comment- (slapping self with wireless mouse here, but it's been one of those days and I needed the laugh. TY for the funny!)

A_C said...

I'm guessing they wouldn't have too much trouble getting someone for that job!!