Sunday 29 April 2007

I'm Not The Only Aussie Who Can Rant....

Loretta over at International Troop Support ( did a pretty good job of it today too!!

Date: Apr 29, 2007 8:58 AM

I’m writing this to have my say and defend our military serving in this war on terror. I am tired of listening to troops crying pouring out there hearts and souls. They are feeling so lost and hurt by people’s words. And it is slowly killing them more than a terrorist bullet ever could. Because of their hypercritical countrymen, politicians and people saying bad stuff about them. And the god darn media needs to get a life and start supporting the troops. I have listened and talk to many a troop some crying over the way the media puts them down. I’ve heard them say what’s the point in defending my country when the people hate us. Here’s a quote a lot of the troops are quoting “"IM TIRED OF BEING HATED BY MY OWN PEOPLE FOR TRYING TO DO THE RIGHT THING AND HELP PEOPLE WHO ASK FOR HELP ITS KILLING ME MORE THAN A BULLET WOULD"
Do you have any idea how much your betraying these brave men and woman who swore an oath to protect and defend you so you have freedom. From where I sit you people against the war are no better than the terrorist themselves. And in some ways you are worse than the terrorist for not standing by your countries troops. We all want this war over with and one day that will happen. But until them get off your high horses about how much this war is costing and start helping because of their hypercritical countrymen, politicians and people saying bad stuff about them. And the god darn media needs to get a life and start supporting the troops. The thing that everyone in all our countries forgot is that war is an ugly business. Soldiers die, civilians die and contractors get rich. We as the United States and allied troops promised them we would stick with them until the end, had them believe in the dream of democracy, and now it seems that we will abandon them and send them to a painful future and no will be to blame for this but ourselves. It does not matter what you believe in nor what position you now take on the war. We promised someone in 2003 a better future after we destroyed there government and to abandon them now just because we don't like the way things are going is a slap in the face in all that our nation’s is built on and all that we as a society believe in. All military swore a oath the day they joined the military to serve their country no matter the personal cost, no matter what their personal beliefs, no matter the beliefs that the public holds. Do you really want the enemy to drive the mighty United States, Australia, the United Kingdom and other allied forces out of Iraq and Afghanistan. Regardless of what you think, if we leave prior to completing our mission the people that live there and the terrorist will see it as the terrorist and militias that won the war on terrorism not the USA or her allies. Do you really want the terrorist to see that as a sign of weakness and attack our nations more deadlier than September 11th,London and Bali. Because if we leave that’s what we are doing giving in on helping a nation rebuild and have a brighter future. And sending the Jihad resistance, the Taliban and Al Queada that we just don’t care and that we are weak.

For those that don’t know me well. I am military I swore an oath to protect my country but I also swore allegiance to my allies. And I will stand up and defend those troops fighting and rebuilding in Iraq and in Afghanistan. And any other deployments they are on. I have many a good mate over there but I’ve also 6 of my own brothers over there fighting side by side with Australia’s allies. They are doing the best job they can and regardless of what you think I am proud of each and everyone of them even if your not.
For all the honest supporters, loved ones, friends and family. I am going to ask you to do something lets start giving these brave troops fighting a louder voice let them know we will post any stories or photos they send us. Let’s harass the media and our politicians’ and start showing them the good they are doing in this war. Lets all make a stand against the hypocrites that bad mouth and bash the troops. The louder we get the better off the troops will be. LETS GIVE IT OUR ALL.
I thank all the troops on my page for doing their duty I’m totally proud of you all and respect each and every one of you. God bless you all. To all the troop support agencies, mothers, fathers, husbands, wives, brothers, sisters and other loved ones, friends. I thank each and every one of you for your support, love and friendship. I couldn’t have asked for a great bunch of friends. You all have my love, support, friendship and love. God bless each and everyone on my page.
Please repost this and please add your say as you go.

Your Friend

International Troop Support

Maybe if we supported our troops as much as we support our
sporting teams..........................

Look, I agree 100% with Loretta. I think it is absolute Bullshit that people are so quick to take our Forces for granted. Now, I wonder how many of you caught this...

Defence losing the war of attrition

DEFENCE is losing its new soldiers, sailors and pilots at an accelerating rate, with more than one in five army recruits quitting in the first 12 months.

Despite the heightened pace of military operations around the world, which has stretched the defence force to the greatest extent since World War II, it is still rejecting two applicants for every new recruit it accepts.

The figures, which show air force and navy recruitment numbers have fallen, reveal the extent of the crisis that has engulfed the defence force.

The navy is the hardest hit, with an 80 per cent increase in the number of recruits lost in the first 12 months.

From 2002-03 to 2004-05, naval recruitment fell from 1534 a year to 1145, while the dropout rate increased from 6.8 per cent to 16.4 per cent - a total of 188 personnel down.

For the army, recruitment rose over the same period from 1713 to 2201, but the loss rate increased from 18.8 per cent to 21.6 per cent for a total of 475 personnel.

While the air force lost fewer of its first-year recruits, the dropout rate has been rising because fewer were being enlisted in the first place. Air force enlistments fell from 828 to 622, and the dropout rate increased from 9.8 per cent to 11.6 per cent. Link

Begs the question - Why the hell should they stay in Service when people don't give a damm?? - Don't ya think??

I wonder if maybe we started to support our Service Personnel, maybe they would be more inclined to stay int he Services and continue to fight for us.

Come on Australia, it's time you all WOKE UP!!

Support our Diggers - Past and Present. They have more than earned it.


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