Tuesday 1 May 2007

When Soldiers Speak

We are starting to see more and more Soldiers speaking out about their feelings on the War, Politics, Morale and Support from home which is wonderful to see.

These people have more than earned the right to have their say.

There are ways you can support them and encourage them to continue to speak out.

When a Soldier personally emails me, or I am told how to contact them I email all the responses and comments they recieved for their post so they can see that people are continuing to support them.

Please see what the Soldiers are saying and leave a comment of support for them. Sometimes reposting just isn't enough. We have to get responses back to them to know that people are helping to give them a voice. We can repost something 100 times but how do the Soldiers know that??

Other times when Soldiers put open letters on the internet they Google key lines or their names to see where it has turned up. This is another reason for you to leave comments for them. It is a way for them to know they are being heard.

These letters are important. If the Defeatocrats have their way we will be left facing the horror that we left the Iraqi people to an unpredictable future. We all need to fight with them and support them.


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